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Any establishment in the pursuit of providing some service to the society cannot be having infinite resources to make the waiting time for getting served a zero. Hence there must be some kind of queue that has to be managed in a transparent & just full manner.

Managing a queue becomes much more difficult when the time taken to serve cannot be predetermined due to various reasons. The least that the service seekers expect is to be served on First Come First Serve basis. To ensure this one of the methods that was traditionally followed was to handover recycled tokens to the patients walking in and make them meet concerned consultant on being called. This manual process is very tedious and prone to human errors, suspicion of tampering and communication problems among hospital staff. Such problems made it necessary to have automatic Queue Management System in place.

Following are the essential requirements of a Queue Management System:

  • Allow the service seekers themselves to generate next token in the queue along with date & time stamped.
  • Allow for several token dispenser units to avoid cluttering of people at one place.
  • Allow the service providers to view all the token issued for him at his table only.
  • Allow the service provider to call tokens beholder either from waitlisted queue or from the list of persons already called .
  • Communicate to the waiting people, the token no. being called both visually and aurally in vernacular language.
  • Allow the service provider either to close the token or to retain the Token so that a person can be called again which will be very helpful for consultants like eye specialists.
  • Have a provision to deploy more service providers with a common queue so that any service provider can call a token from the front end of this common queue.
  • Have provision for various Queue Concepts.


We are pioneers in making Customised Queue Management System and recognized as leading manufacturers in India. Our Queue Management Systems are accepted widely for its reliability and performance which encouraged us to develop several other products for the manufacturing industry as well. Our products are appreciated for the following reasons.

  • It is a product from a company incorporated in 1989.
  • Designed by highly experienced engineers. [ex- ISRO SCIENTISTS]
  • Very simple wiring and easy to install. - CAT5/6 Cable
  • Used across India by Railways & several other Service providing companies, including healthcare centers.
  • Queue methodology can be customized to suite any process flow.
  • Working successfully since 2003.
  • Preferred and appreciated by several Corporate Hospitals.
  • Cost effective, efficient, compact and highly reliable.
  • Excellent aesthetics due to the usage of soft LCD for calling unit and aluminum frame for Door Displays and Waiting hall Displays.



QUEUE Display System 121 (TDS 121):

Simple requirement of announcing a token.

This kind of a system is generally used by a single doctor clinic needing a very economical system only to call out patients one after the other. In such cases token coins kind of things are issued to indicate the turn number.

  • Ergonomically designed light-weight keypad to enter the token number.
  • Keypad doesn’t need to be powered separately, eliminating the need for power outlet at the operator’s desk.
  • Low working voltage of the keypad ensures safety.
  • Soft LCD display integrated onto the keypad reduces human fatigue.
  • Entry of the Token No. can be either sequential or random.
  • Token announcement in two languages makes the system convenient for different sections of society.


Meets the requirement to handle up to 3 different services or 3 counters of only one service.
  • Designed around RISC based micro controller with STAR topology for better reliability.
  • Token calling units get powered by data cable itself (does not need separate power outlets).
  • The system can be configured to suit variety of establishments.
  • The Token Displays are designed with inbuilt voice modules to announce the token number in two different languages
  • Provision is made for auto printing of multiple copies of token.
  • Provides for retaining a Token to be called later if a service seeker does not show up.


Yet another requirement could be to manage many services (up to max. of 8) with every service having one or more (max. of 15) service providers.

Such a setup may also need several waiting hall displays to be deployed in different waiting halls. Similarly many token dispensers may also be required to avoid crowding near dispensers. One such example could be OPDs in hospitals together with Pharmacy, X-Ray lab and Phlebotomy lab.

  • While the features remain same as that of TMS-SLM , the system includes the dedicated Token Hub to be able to cater to many services (up to 8 of them) with provision for multiple Token Dispensers.

  • This system recommended for moderate traffic.


Multi-Line Queue Management System (ML-QMS) :

The larger hospitals are likely to have many more widely distributed Out Patient consulting rooms and waiting halls

This may necessitate the usage of large LED TVs for the waiting halls. Large number of services demand usage of touch screen monitors in the token dispensers. More over, memory requirement in the system also increases due to large number of queues to be maintained. Hence Multi-Line Queue Management System (ML-QMS) is designed with PC based Kiosk for dispensing tokens, distributed OPD cluster management and distributed LED TVs.

  • System supports up to a maximum of 60 Services and 60 service providers.
  • Usage of very low cost calling units makes the system very economical.
  • Distributed architecture makes the deployment of waiting hall displays and token issuing KIOSKs easier wherever these devices are to be distributed.
  • Allows for mixing up of LCD TVs and seven segment LED displays for the waiting halls.
  • Very versatile System Configuration to suit varieties of appications.


This System is same as ML-QMS except the Token Dispenser being replaced with Heavy Duty Token Dispenser with 5" Colour LCD to make it economical Controller can be interfaced with several Dispenser and token Dispensing .



There are many organizations [Eg. Large Hospitals] where service providers are equipped with PC’s for many reasons and are generally interconnected on a LAN. In such cases it is better to make use of this existing infrastructure to manage the Queue of Service seekers. Hence TMS_NET is developed to make use of the PC’s available as Calling units [Clients],while one of the PC’s is used as controller [Server]. The controller with to Serial Converter can get interfaced with several Token Dispensers and Token Displays through the communicator interface. It is also possible to connect a large LCD TV to be used in common waiting Hall to show all the tokens called. This system allows up to maximum of 120 queues with a restriction that each Token Dispenser can handle only one group of 8 Queues. The Screen Area available on the Client PC’s is put to best use by the Application software to show the status of all the tokens simultaneously as depicted. Token dispensing Kiosk also can be added to the system.


Multi-Service Queue Management System (MS-QMS) :

  • The system is specially designed for transferring token from one service to another service.
  • The system also provides for showing token number along with its newly assigned turn number on waiting hall displays.
  • Browser based software modules makes the installation highly simplified.
  • Comprehensive configuration module makes the system very versatile.
  • Makes use of License free software tools to make it economical.
  • User friendly software eliminates special training.
  • Well thought-out functionalities like retain a token, recall a token, etc.
  • Provides for sending an SMS alert when a token is called
  • Various MIS reports generated to help manage the resources.
  • Auto transmission of Alerts in case of prolonged inactivity of a service provider or in case if a token remaining unaltered in a state for long time. The long time can be preconfigured.
  • Token handling station provides for managing many queues so that it can be deployed at an OPD cluster managing several queues.

Rendering some Services need Token Coins kind of things to be issued to the Service seekers while these Tokens are allocated to the service providers randomly based on some procedure. In such cases Service Providers should have provision to call Tokens allocated to them one after the other and have her/his desk no./ Counter no. displayed against the Called Token.

For such applications is Token Display System 128 (TDS 128) designed with a provision for eight Service providers



  • Designed to interconnect up to 8 Token Calling Units(THT-SP) to one Display. Automatically senses connected Calling Units and functions accordingly.
  • Any one of the Token Calling units can be used to digitally adjust the volume for announcement.
  • High fidelity Voice announcement in any Indian language of customer choice along with announcement in English.
  • Ergonomically designed light weight THT-SP to enter token number.
  • THT-SP doesn’t need to be powered separately, thus eliminating need for power outlet at the operator’s desk.
  • Low working voltage of THT-SP ensures safety.
  • Soft LCD display integrated onto the THT-SP reduces human fatigue.
  • Entry of the token number can be either sequential or random.